Winter is still here
Thank God for yellow tulips
I’m waiting for spring
Greetings Kettle Talkers! It’s been months. I know. If you want to see what I’ve been up to while not updating my blog, check out my Instagram. My default setting is hermit so come winter I want to do nothing more than stay inside, sip tea and wait for spring in peace. Thankfully I have two kids and live in New York City which forces me to get up and out even when I don’t want to. One of the things I’ve been doing is writing a haiku a day since the beginning of February. Why? I don’t know. This winter has just been an especially haiku-ish one, for me at least. I’ve collected some of them here for your enjoyment. You can find my daily haikus on Medium and Twitter.

The perfect meeting
Leaves from the earth in water
Fire it and blow

Silence surrounds us
Even while the air whispers
Quieting our steps

Silence, you are bliss
Tis the company of trees
That I most prefer
To Gales
Thanks, now my face hurts
My cheeks don’t feel like my own
Throbbing on my face

Winter 2
Bundle up and trudge
Rotate the world, spin, repeat
Look for the sun, up

The blizzard is over
Slush awaits on the corners
Wade or jump, your choice
Burning, fiery bright
Roiling energy spinning
Pulling small things near